Trust me on this

Never, or almost never trust someone who opens an argument with this line, but in my defense, I think I was right. The company was going to transfer the developers from London to Chicago. Everybody who was going was terribly excited and as they should be. Getting transferred by the company with all the necessary paperwork to a foreign land. See the world at the companies expense – priceless. Yet some of the guys were leaving soon enough that they would get a chance to experience a Chicago winter.

I told Paul he should go and purchase the warmest and thickest coat he can. I actually did like his choice, which was cashmere overcoat and it looked really good. My counter point was that it also felt about as thick as a couple of pieces of paper. The wind will blow right through.

I probably should have also mentioned he might want a hat and a scarf. We never spoke about it after this but once we were both relocated I did occasionally see Paul with his coat, but most of the time he wore a winter jacket that he bought in Chicago.

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