Dealing with Heart attacks 101

I was sitting on the bed and my partner was typing furiously on her laptop. I was sitting right there, so it probably wasn’t an email to me so I poked my big nose into things.

It seems that she was working on a presentation about heart attacks. She is a doctor, patients can have heart attacks but somehow compared to some of the other topics she has demonstrated to her colleagues this seemed, well, just a little bit basic.

I took a look at the first dozen slides and actually I pretty much knew much of this information and I don’t even work in the medical field. I just was not satisfied knowing what she was up to I needed to know why such a basic topic was being delivered to the other doctors. Well, it turns out that the speech isn’t given to the doctors but actually to the nurses. I am confused why the doctors are teaching the nurses but to make it more confusing these nurses are in charge of the emergency room.

I found out that the nurses came over from the surgical emergency room and actually have no experience in the general sort of emergencies. It appears that they have just recently had a bit of a shake up in all things related to the emergency room. (see next story)

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