Smart as a whip

One programmer talking to another as he was shutting the door his boss’s office after a presentation.
Will we be that stupid when we get old?
It must be not only true but coming sooner than imagined as the door
wasn’t shut and the boss heard everything.
Dumb Programmer


If you have to step over a dead body half way up then it’s classed as a walk. On real climbs the bodies fall to the bottom.
Andy Kirkpatrick

Like a developer

99 little bugs in the code
99 little bugs in the code
take one down, patch it around
117 little bugs in the code
Motto of the day as re-quoted by my brother-in-law


Q: Are you picking these numbers from your ass or is there a system
Chris D. 2013-04-09
A: No I am taking them my from head.
Mikhail S. 2013-04-09

Sage advise

“He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount”
Once a dangerous or troublesome venture is begun, the
safest course is to carry it through to the end.
1875 W. Scarborough ‘Collection of Chinese Proverbs.'”


Q. How do you know you are working for fortune 100 company?
A. When a person with no project experience of any kind is assigned as project manager with a 2.3 million euro budget and virtually no oversight.

Speaking in tongues

Americans Language Abilities
American’s don’t bother to learn foreign languages, even if we do, we don’t bother to learn to pronounce them correctly.
Chris D.

Americans Language Abilities revisited
Some Americans don’t bother to learn their own language.
Mikhail S.

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