Children on car selection

We were going to pickup my oldest at a birthday party and as I was not familiar with the location so I was using a navigation system. We had just missed our turn and were on a one way street. I may have made a remark or two but eventually we got to our destination.

I wish I could say that this was an isolated event, but to be honest it was not. It was actually the fourth occurrence in the last few weeks. On our way back home, a small voice spoke out.

David We cannot use this car any more
Me Why not?
David It keeps bringing us to the wrong places
Me Do I have to buy a new car?
David No, but we cannot use this one.

Somehow this train of thought gets broken, but then another small voice breaks out.

Timothy I know why the car keeps bringing us to the wrong places.
Timothy This car comes from Japan but we live in Germany.

Diapers? Yup, I win.

I wanted to give myself any pretty much anyone else a chance to feel superior.  While speaking with my wife I happened to hear that one of her colleagues is having a bit of a tough day.  

Before I get into that I want to describe my day.  This morning Daniela got up and crept out of the apartment so she could go to work.  About an hour later David and I got up and started our day.  We had a long list of things we wanted to accomplish but despite our best intentions we didn’t quite get everything done.

  • finish assembling and mounting screen on kitchen window
  • pick up shirts from the dry cleaners
  • change sheets
  • do the laundry including the sheets 
  • try and not put Daniela’s non-dryer safe clothes into the dryer
  • go shopping
  • make dinner
  • prepare computer so boys and I can play multiplayer games together
  • get my hair cut

It was a full day and David and I were busy pretty much until Dr. Daniela came home.  The food was good the general mood was also pretty good.

In general I think that David and I can be proud of everything we accomplished, and perhaps we can rest a bit on Sunday.  But what does this have to do with Diapers and how does this make any of you feel good about yourselves?

Well, Daniela’s colleague is a single mother who also had to work at the hospital today and because of this her ex-husband was baby sitting their daughter.  She is three years old and like most children at that age still has diapers.  It seems that the last diaper was used so her ex decided he had a few options.

  • go to the store and buy diapers
  • walk 5 minutes to the hospital and pick up some from his ex wife
  • call his ex wife and yell at her about the missing diapers.

So, I think that we can all feel a bit better about ourselves that we solve the “big” problems.  If he wasn’t able to go to a store and get diapers what happened to that little girl?  Well, as luck has it the neighbor has a similar aged child and she did Daniela’s colleague a favor and brought a few over.

Telling funny stories

I have worked at both as an employee at both large and small companies as well as on some large and crazy software rollouts. The individual stories never actually struck me as all that surprising nor even funny.

You want is when?

That is actually a funny punchline in a Dilbert cartoon but not so much when it is your project manager and the deadline is quite unreasonable. It was not my work life that would have caused me to put pen to paper.

If it were not for an incident in the kitchen with my children. I thought we needed a few items from the hardware store and so I informed my kids we would be visiting the baumarkt this weekend. I though that my parental visage would be enough to ensure that this would not only be a good idea but also “the plan”.

It was the minor rebellion to my plans but more the reactions of our family that reminded me what is not funny at the moment to me may indeed be funny to others. In the end I had to ensure my boys that there were a lot of rules on the internet and one of them was as follows.

Saturday is baumarkt day if mom is working at the hospital

This rule does now live on the internet and I will strive to fill the internet with other fun little stories from work as well as a few from my children.

Enjoy ….

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