What’s the magic word

My grandfather was “old school”, back in his youth there was love but it was expressed a bit differently but definitely not as open as today. I suspect that there was also sex back then too but also not discussed openly.

Well, the funniest situation that I can remember with my grandfather occurred between him and my sister who was no longer a child but now a young lady. Well, during one visit he ran into my sister and without any real context he asked her what the magic word was. This was not much to go on so she said “please”, and as someone who is raising a couple of young children that would be my answer too. However, what my grandfather meant was the answer is no, or “just say no”.

I think that this was his way of trying to reiterate that as she was getting older that she shouldn’t be experimenting with with “birds and bees” and that she should just say no.

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