I thought that they knew what they were doing …

Well, just because we are all working for the same company doesn’t mean unity, as a matter of fact, it is not any different from when I was in high school. There are different cliques and not everyone get along with others.

Yet when working in a very large company the situation can be a bit worse than that. Implementing new functions either as a project or on an existing process will bring a lot of people together for long periods of time who would not normally even spend the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee. The problems occur when personalities start to act out. One such case was when rolling out new functionality due to a change in the local law.

It was learned later than some of the rules in our system that were required were not properly setup and activated and that this fact has been known for months. Rather than to be proactive and inform the other group about this apparent oversight nothing was done up to and including go live. It was later discovered that processes have been running with an improper setup and thus a lot of things may be missing in the future. This topic came up over lunch and indeed Bob knew that this was not setup for at least six months but comment was “well, I thought that they knew what they were doing”.

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity

Unfortunately neither of these two options make Bob look very good.

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