Daily log March 26

I had a meeting with Vladimir, Ivan, and Zachary. I got there a bit late but I was there to discuss problem ticket 233609. It apparently all comes down to what is basically “dickish” behavior between the support group and IT (er us). They created a ticket 233609 on Mar 18th, and are unhappy that it has taken forever for us to respond/fix it.

Well, as usual the problem is clear to me but in general not clearly described at all, other than “grunt grunt, problem, grunt fix it”. Due to the dysfunctional communications as well as political games between teams this was the best that they could do. I had to write into this ticket what I thought was the problem. I had to do this as Zach is not officially here working on anything except for project Galactica. I entered my solution on this issue as well as two possible solutions based on the problem description.

The second thing I put into the ticket was that one of the three software packages given to us was really only two of them were ours, the third was Bjoern’s package. Well, that makes it the support group’s package or actually the package of Katherine1 who wrote up the problem ticket in the first place.

We would have responded earlier to this ticket but as it turns out the group that created it, which also happens to be the support group, failed to mark the ticket so it would show up in our view. Thus we really didn’t know about the ticket until they complained about it and we had a problem number to search for.

1Katherine inherited all of Bjoern’s packages when he left the project.

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