Battle of the bands

I think that I made the problem myself. My wife was listening to “Nightwish” which, to be honest, wasn’t really all that bad but that particular album wasn’t exactly my taste. So, in perfectly non-supportive husband style, I was dissing the album and had actually done it in front of my son.

Well, my son might not like the whole album but there are a few songs that he really loves. I am not fussed what music he listens to but when I end up listening to the same album week in and week out then I start to care.

So I grabbed a few of my albums to test them out, I didn’t have any Symphonic metal groups but I did have some good heavy metal albums so that is what I took. He listened to a bit of Queensrysche but no that wasn’t good enough. We had to go shopping so I popped Alice Cooper into the player in the car. Rather than bringing up how good this album was I thought I would wait to see what the boys thought about it. You could have knocked me over with a feather when my other son asked about the album that was playing.

“papa, is this country music?”

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