Singing songs

Normally on Sunday mornings the children have Sunday school before the service starts and while they are doing that I try to catch up on my reading. However, as boys will be boys I do sit in their room until the teacher shows up. It is a bit easier to ensure that things don’t get out of control.

Last Sunday, I was keeping an eye on things when the choir director showed up and asked if she should start early today. The actual teacher wasn’t yet in so Martin and I agreed to quickly sing with the children. Martin was drafted into holding up large signs with the words to the song that the choir director was trying to teach the kids. It helped that both of them were singing and that this wasn’t the first time the children had heard the song.

I was however a bit puzzled. My youngest couldn’t read yet and of the children that were in this class it appeared that only about three of the nine could read. I don’t think that during her time in front of the class this fact was understood while she was there, nor later.

She is not dumb, but I guess she did have one of those “special” moments.

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