A Drinking warrior

Well, a bunch of guys were taking a small road trip. The were partying on the train and having a great time. One of the bunch was having more fun the rest. How can you tell which one is having the most fun? Well, he had so much that he “fell asleep” on the train but the party continued in his absence.

You shouldn’t run with scissors, leave small children near poisonous animals nor leave a marker near a bunch of drunks. During my college years I heard about people waking up with a second watch drawn on, a mustache or perhaps a small goatee.

This group was actually much more inventive than that. They marked up their buddy with a vengeance so he looked like some sort of ancient tribal warrior. Every piece of exposed skin on his neck and face were marked with lines and symbols.

The party was nearing and end, and our “victim” was now awake. During a stop it was his responsibility to get more libations. So he dutifully went to the liquor store and bought eight bottles of vodka. During this process he received a few odd looks but nobody dared to say anything to him.

The cashier was a real professional she kept a strait face and was scanning the bottles at the register. Well, until he made one final comment.

I wonder why everybody keeps staring at me.

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