Our car is gone

Well, I have lived in some fairly questionable apartments, most of which were in the USA. However, one of the most memorable situations was when my car was moved to another location from the one I parked it in.

We lived in a fairly ethnic part of town that sported its own Turkish grocery store, Turkish pizza stand and a Turkish bar. We also had a very trendy cocktail bar that was also less than a minute walk away.

This part of town had a lot of people, a lot of cars and virtually no legal parking places. We actually parked in illegal spots most of the time I lived in that apartment.

We actually parked our care quite close to the Turkish bar and as we didn’t use it every day it was actually parked there for a few days. We were planning on moving it next time we went shopping but we never got the chance.

One night we wanted to visit my wife’s parents and so we went to the car only to find it was no longer there. We were starting to panic when we found that it was parked in actually right up on the sidewalk. There was no legal way to move it out of there without moving about 10 other cars.

It seemed obvious to us that some of our neighbors didn’t like our car parked in a very prime spot so they moved it. If it happened to me today I may have taken a different approach, but back then I decided to go into the Turkish bar, I don’t speak Turkish, nor even hardly German and see if I can convince the entire Turkish bar full of men to move their cars.

I do have to give them credit, they did come up with a very creative reason how my car ended up in its new parking spot. They suggested that the wild people from the cocktail bar must have moved our car to this location. I tried to explain that we lived in this building and we needed to get our car but it was parked in. I had to stress this point as nobody who lived in this neighborhood liked that cocktail bar.

The guys, were not willing to admit who had moved our car there, nor where they willing to move their cars. But after they had their own quick conference one of them did assist us, he simply got into my car and drove it down the sidewalk (illegally) for perhaps 50 yards and out into the street.

We did learn a lesson from all this. The first was that you should not park that close to the Turkish bar, and the second was although using a parking break is a good idea, always leave your car in gear.

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