The good Samaritan

Ladislav had actually found someone’s cell phone and as luck had it, it was not locked. He tried one of the telephone numbers in it – mom. Apparently there was a small problem in with a language barrier but eventually he did manage to get the idea across that he had the cell phone which apparently was from her son. Yet, once this bit of information had been communicated she kept saying over and over no I don’t care I don’t want it.

Well, our good Samaritan went a step further. There was another telephone number and so he called it. No real communication problems, and it turned out to be his ex-wife. Well, she was not real excited to be all that helpful but she did clarify that on Friday’s he would probably be found in a bar. Interesting news but it was Monday.

Well, were does he live? Well, he lives on a xyz street. Uh, ok, but what address? I don’t know but it will be the most rundown house on the street. If there was more information given, Ladislav didn’t say but he did eventually find the owner of the cell phone.

There are good people in the world.

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