Faster than a speeding bullet

There is a cafeteria that I visit when working at a certain client. They are actually fairly organized, there is a menu posted to the intranet that shows what the menu will be over a two week period.

The cafeteria has three different main dishes as well as a “special” dish. The special dish is usually not that much different than cafeteria food despite being twice the price of the regular dish, but I digress.

One of the good yet odd things about the cafeteria is that they have a computer screen outside quickly showing the menu options. This is always broken down into the following screens.

3 The special menu description

2 A picture of the special menu on a plate

2 The other three dishes described

2 The four side dishes described

The number to the left of these screens is approximately how many seconds the information is displayed. The special is usually a very flowery description of what the menu contains and usually cannot be read in a single viewing. The other menu options are not quite as wordy but it usually takes more than a few views to determine what the overall menu choices are.

Perhaps I am just a difficult customer but I would have thought that having a slightly longer delay per screen, say 4 or 5 seconds each, would be more reasonable. I guess who ever created this “online” menu never had to use it, or was a speed reader.

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