The party train

I guess I was tired, but I was feeling a bit jealous on that Monday morning about eight. The weather was cool but not cold and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was the kind of day that makes you really not want to go to work. The train was stopping in Manheim on its way to Munich. I cannot say with 100% certainty it was American solders but it was a fairly large group of guys probably about 25 – 35 in age with short hair who all looked pretty fit and spoke English.

They were obviously up for a big day, it appeared that each of them were drinking a one liter can of beer. They were not really drunk, yet, but it appeared that they had started before getting on the train. In its own way it was all fairly funny. They were all having a good time and from what I could gather most of the train was living vicariously through them.

I was a bit of disappointed when I had to get out in Stuttgart and the party train kept going.

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