It is not quite fair

I thought how you teach about “the birds and the bees” to your children would be reasonably consistent set of lessons. You certainly don’t want your daughter to come home pregnant, but likewise you don’t want your son to get his girlfriend pregnant either.

When I was young my sisters and I sometimes got impromptu reinforcement about the dangers of unprotected sex after dinner. At that time I never understood what triggered these lucky discussions but when I was older I found out the trigger for this was when a daughter of a friend of my father got pregnant. It was then we all got the “talk”.

As fair as my father was, this was one topic that he treated his children just a little bit differently. All of us did get a small talk on this topic together but after a short while I (the son) was dismissed and it would continue with my sisters.

I do remember one of these conversations and as I was walking away I did have a small smirk which was not seen by my parents but was seen by my sisters. I am not sure which thing upset them more, that I was dismissed or that I was laughing about it.

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