You dont mind if I light up …

I didn’t have faith in my current company and so I was looking for a new job. I ended up with a small consulting company who wanted to put me at a project with IBM. Never having worked at a large company I was pretty excited but the problem was that the job was in a different city a couple of hours from my apartment.

Rather than really committing to this location by moving there I decided to take it for a trial run and to look for cheap accommodations instead. I let my fingers do walking and came up with a few different places I could check out. Most of them were not good enough for one reason or other, but the most interesting was a bachelor who owned a house and was looking for someone to share his costs. I explained my situation that I was not really moving to Rochester but looking for temporary accommodations thus I needed a furnished room.

He seemed to be a bit anxious in his mannerisms but we spoke about the costs and he mentioned that I would even have a garage for my car. It was about then things started to go down hill. He told me that he smoked marijuana and asked if I had a problem with that. Well, not knowing him I did have a bit of a problem but the room itself pretty much made up my mind. I needed a furnished room and it had no bed, no lamps, just an empty room.

Refined sugar

There are a lot of topics that are taught in school, starting with the three R’s but also encompassing other issues ranging from sex education to nutrition. Oddly enough students only recognize some of the facts that they have learned but usually when it doesn’t really affect them.

It was after a students birthday party and there was once piece of cake left. It was just sitting on the corner of my desk.

Student Cake is not really a healthy choice, perhaps we should throw it away!

Teacher If you want me to remain happy, you will leave it right there.

Look but do not touch

A bunch of us were sitting around swapping stories and we ended up speaking about legal drinking ages in various countries. I asked what was the legal age in Germany.

Me 16? Really, that means that I can take the boys to the pub at 16?

My wife Yes, you can look but don’t touch

I was a bit confused by this particular answer and so I tried to get some sort of clarification. In the end, it was her girlfriend who clarified it for me. Your wife just gave you a free pass. For some reason she thought I was speaking about 16 year old girls when in fact I was asking when I could go to the bar with my sons.

Free pass or not, this information was more than useless as what 16 year old girl wants to be with an “old man”.

The concert

Lets be realistic. Mathematics is not really going to be any different next year when compared to this year, nor is English, Biology or even German class. Yet as a music teacher there a small opportunity to change. Every year there is a music concert and the children of the fifth grade try to pick out a song that they would like to sing.

Of course the children have access to the radio and all have their favorite male and female singers, yet at age 11 they may not really understand those lyrics from Jay Z, Beyonce or Katy Perry.

So of course, most of the suggestions from the class are passed over quickly. Not sure if the parents are ready for “I kissed a girl” coming from a choir of eleven year olds.

What’s the magic word

My grandfather was “old school”, back in his youth there was love but it was expressed a bit differently but definitely not as open as today. I suspect that there was also sex back then too but also not discussed openly.

Well, the funniest situation that I can remember with my grandfather occurred between him and my sister who was no longer a child but now a young lady. Well, during one visit he ran into my sister and without any real context he asked her what the magic word was. This was not much to go on so she said “please”, and as someone who is raising a couple of young children that would be my answer too. However, what my grandfather meant was the answer is no, or “just say no”.

I think that this was his way of trying to reiterate that as she was getting older that she shouldn’t be experimenting with with “birds and bees” and that she should just say no.

Some “crap” at work

As a programmer, I am never really surprised when at some point a program pops up an odd message to either the screen or a log file. During development virtually every developer at one point or other will encounter a difficulty that cannot be easily tracked and will add some small messages to help with diagnosing the problem.

However, I had always imagined that publishing, even on the internet, would be a bit different. While looking for other interesting articles I ended up on this page only to see what appears to be someone having a bit of fun at work in an area they don’t think will be caught at.

2014-06-27 – on a lazy day

You dont mind if I light up …

I didn’t have faith in my current company and so I was looking for a new job. I ended up with a small consulting company who wanted to put me at a project with IBM. Never having worked at a large company I was pretty excited but the problem was that the job was in a different city a couple of hours from my apartment.

Rather than really committing to this location by moving there I decided to take it for a trial run and to look for cheap accommodations instead. I let my fingers do walking and came up with a few different places I could check out. Most of them were not good enough for one reason or other, but the most interesting was a bachelor who owned a house and was looking for someone to share his costs. I explained my situation that I was not really moving to Rochester but looking for temporary accommodations thus I needed a furnished room.

He seemed to be a bit anxious in his mannerisms but we spoke about the costs and he mentioned that I would even have a garage for my car. It was about then things started to go down hill. He told me that he smoked marijuana and asked if I had a problem with that. Well, not knowing him I did have a bit of a problem but the room itself pretty much made up my mind. I needed a furnished room and it had no bed, no lamps, just an empty room.

The long weekend

Zach and I were chatting about current events in the news when Sophie came in. It was right before the German public holiday “Tag der arbeit” which this year fell on a Thursday and she was planning on taking Friday off. Her opening line was “Zach, as you are not here after Monday I thought I would say my good byes now”.

Zach had heard that heard some rumors that his six month contract may be cut short but earlier in the day his boss said that he was unaware of any changes. Well, half a day later apparently it was a bit more cleared up in a team meeting as Sophie was wishing him well on his next assignment.

Things had been going wrong for a while now and unbeknownst to the client and to his agency Zach was not planning to extend, he had enough “fun” for one lifetime. Thus this was not really that much of a shock, it was however a shock to Sophie that nobody had told Zach he wouldn’t be sitting there in 4 days time.

Despite how correct all this information was, nothing was really official. Our boss had to go to his daughters school to pick her up and said that he would talk to Zach in the morning. Well, morning came and morning went. No official word came from either the client nor his agency if he should be doing any kind of handover. It wasn’t clear if or when he should turn in his key or his laptop either.

Star Wars III

It took a couple of decades but George Lucas did deliver, we finally had the three prequels for the original three Star Wars movies. I remember this one most as my wife was pregnant and I was a bit worried about the sound. I had fears that the loud movie would deafen my unborn son.

The funniest moment was not while watching the commercials before the movie, nor was it during the movie but actually it was after the movie was over. My highly pregnant wife had to visit restroom, but as she walking back to join me she overheard a couple of teenagers talking to one another.

“I can’t believe that Anakin went bad”

This pretty much proves that they are not Star Wars fans.

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