Campaigning at its best – revisited

Well, with the exception of American politics all political campaigns must come to and end. There will be both winners and losers and the campaign cycle will be over for a few years. After this particular campaign was over I happened to be in the building that contained one of the candidates office and one evening in the lobby was deposited a large1 trash container which is usually used when people change offices and actually need to get rid of those files, folders, keyboards2, mice and all sorts of strange things.

Well the next evening when I once again passed the trash container I saw that there were a lot of campaign “gifts” in the form of wall calendars, year calendars fitting on a single piece of paper as well as small weekly calendar books. Without trying to exaggerate, I can honestly say that the container was half full and was emptied every two days. It was only on the first day did I see the calendars but now I can truly understand that there was not enough “campaign materials” to go around and that it was good they kept very close control over to whom they where given.

1The container was approximately 5” x 3” x 3” in size.

2Yes, I have seen multiple keyboards and mice. Don’t they think they will need to type in the new office?

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