Espresso cups

Did I mention that our project kitchen is small. It would seem to be a bit larger if the people wouldn’t stack their dirty dishes so high next to the sink, but scatter them around a bit. Perhaps because so many dishes were next to the sink there was no where else to abandon them but in the sink itself.

I am not always the morning person. So it didn’t take much to annoy me when I couldn’t make my first cup of tea for the day. These were not my dishes nor did I dirty any of them. It was a lot of generic coffee cups and two of the cutest little espresso cups.

I guess I shouldn’t have done it, but I cleaned up the espresso cups and put them on top of the cupboard above the sink out of sight and went to my desk. Some hours later, a new sign showed up in the kitchen asking anyone who may have “borrowed” these cups to please return them. I guess they must have really wanted these espresso cups badly as by the end of the following day the sign was gone as were the cups. Not only that the kitchen sparkled from bottom to almost top.

It seems that the auditors (apparently it was their cups) had a different idea what to do with the dishes. About half of them were thrown into the dishwasher, which by this point was so full it couldn’t be run, and the other half were placed on a cafeteria tablet and placed on top of the cabinet above the sink – out of sight out of mind.

I guess your mother doesn’t cleanup here, nor do her children.

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