We cannot spend it all

Did you hear about the project that had more money than they could spend? Well, it isn’t quite as simple as that but close. The first phase of the project had problems, went over budget and was delayed but it made an amazing comeback. By the end of the first year, the new system was wildly successful despite some of its short comings, it was decided that there should be a second phase with more functionality.

This is where things get a bit sticky. It is quite reasonable to create some sort of a specification/road-map so we have a plan on what to work on, which is exactly what project Zinger did. Yet due insufficient internal sources and scheduling conflicts instead of getting this finished early in the year it wasn’t finished until the end of June.

The project cannot take this money and start until they have a plan and thus only 100k of the planned 550k was used by June. The project is behind and it is unlikely that they will be using much of the 700k that will be available for the second half of the year. Under normal circumstances you would think that not “pissing” away a lot of money when you are not prepared is a good idea. However, the normal budget rule will take precedence

“Use it or lose it”

Next year when the money is needed to finish up what was started it is almost certain that the budget committee will see that they needed considerably less than originally planned amount for this year and will cut accordingly.

It was a complete misunderstanding

Yup, computers are everywhere. It was the early nineties and personal computers were really taking off in offices. I felt so strongly that computers were the future that I helped a small insurance agency computerize. This small agency actually did most of the hard work by hand but they learned of a custom software package that filled this niche. I met with them and we looked at what the software would support, it was actually a nice little package which could support a number of different products, agents and payment structures. I thought it was a bit pricey but we agreed on terms and so both the accountant and I were to go back for another visit to teach her how to use the new software.

Dorthy and I drove there and again met with the developer at the agency. While she was learning about how to use the software I was discussing what hardware we would need and learned about the installation process. This wasn’t installing SAP or Oracle, we were only going to be there for two days.

Before we were sent, nobody had actually explained one of the tiny little detail. I only knew that we were staying at a local hotel. Between the driving and the workshops it was a full day but eventually it came time to check into the hotel. I simply walked up to the reception desk told them my name and company and they gave me a room key. I didn’t know any better so Dorthy and I went to the room, unpacked, had dinner and went to bed. Well, I am not entirely certain who was more surprised the next morning. I received a wake up call from my father, but it was Dorthy who answered the telephone. She clarified that he did indeed did get the correct room and handed the telephone over to me.

I cannot remember most of that conversation but my father, the boss, did explain that he did reserve two rooms one for each of us and that it was not necessary to share. Actually nothing did happen, but that could have been due to me being the boss’s son, and that the boss’s son wasn’t so experienced.

Yup, smart enough to set up the IT infrastructure single handed but not smart enough to know that the office doesn’t force the staff to sleep together on business trips.

Diapers? Yup, I win.

I wanted to give myself any pretty much anyone else a chance to feel superior.  While speaking with my wife I happened to hear that one of her colleagues is having a bit of a tough day.  

Before I get into that I want to describe my day.  This morning Daniela got up and crept out of the apartment so she could go to work.  About an hour later David and I got up and started our day.  We had a long list of things we wanted to accomplish but despite our best intentions we didn’t quite get everything done.

  • finish assembling and mounting screen on kitchen window
  • pick up shirts from the dry cleaners
  • change sheets
  • do the laundry including the sheets 
  • try and not put Daniela’s non-dryer safe clothes into the dryer
  • go shopping
  • make dinner
  • prepare computer so boys and I can play multiplayer games together
  • get my hair cut

It was a full day and David and I were busy pretty much until Dr. Daniela came home.  The food was good the general mood was also pretty good.

In general I think that David and I can be proud of everything we accomplished, and perhaps we can rest a bit on Sunday.  But what does this have to do with Diapers and how does this make any of you feel good about yourselves?

Well, Daniela’s colleague is a single mother who also had to work at the hospital today and because of this her ex-husband was baby sitting their daughter.  She is three years old and like most children at that age still has diapers.  It seems that the last diaper was used so her ex decided he had a few options.

  • go to the store and buy diapers
  • walk 5 minutes to the hospital and pick up some from his ex wife
  • call his ex wife and yell at her about the missing diapers.

So, I think that we can all feel a bit better about ourselves that we solve the “big” problems.  If he wasn’t able to go to a store and get diapers what happened to that little girl?  Well, as luck has it the neighbor has a similar aged child and she did Daniela’s colleague a favor and brought a few over.

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