6 months seems like just yesterday

I was speaking with my colleague Kevin the other day asking about a mutual colleague in IT.

Me: How is Martin?

Kevin: Is is fine as far as I know. Why do you ask?

Me: Well, he was very helpful when I submitted my last trouble ticket and mentioned today it still hasn’t been approved. If this isn’t approved soon it will be canceled.

Me: He was so helpful, it just isn’t like him

Kevin: I don’t think he has changed.

Me: Well, perhaps I have changed a bit. I used to call him to discuss these issues, but he kept ending up trying to lecture me on everything.

Kevin: Yeah, you might want to change how you package up your software.

Me: uh, whys that.

Kevin: In most of the packages they something like “package xxxx successfully installed” as the final step.

Yet this usually simply means that the install process has finished.

Me: Whats the difference?

Kevin: Well, usually when they see that message then IT doesn’t bother to read the log files, and during the installation there can be a lot problems!

Me: They don’t read the log files after the install?

Kevin: Well, eventually. Last week when another package was installed they looked at the log file and saw a lot of warnings about files to be linked could not as there was a higher directory linked. He was complaining that this was about 160 errors that my package had. I had to explain to him, yup, it was bad style on my part but those warnings have been there for six months so they would have to live with it for a while until I get this fixed.

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